Our goal is that all WarehamPublic School's ELs will graduate as lifelong learners with 21st century skills in order to succeed in college and careers. This is evidenced by the Massachusetts Office of Language Aquisition's (OLA) vision statement:
"English learners in Massachusetts attend schools in which all educators share responsibility for their success, engage effectively with their families, and value and nurture their linguistic and cultural assets. English learners are taught by effective, well-prepared, and culturally responsive educators who hold them to high standards and have the materials and professional learning they need to advance students’ academic and linguistic development simultaneously. English learners have equitable access to meaningful and rigorous learning opportunities that build on their cultural and linguistic assets and the academic, linguistic, social, and emotional supports they need to excel. English learners thrive in high school and graduate with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful in college and/or a career of their choice, and to contribute to civic life in a global community."
EL students will be afforded the full range of general curricular and any occupational/vocational opportunities available to them.
EL students will be taught to the same academic standards as all students, and provided equal opportunities to master such standards as other students, including access to academically advanced classes and programs to the full range available to all students throughout the district.
Staff will ensure that effective communication with EL students and their families in their native language is always available to facilitate their equitable access to all programs and services.
Staff will ensure that equal access is granted to EL students for guidance counseling and counseling in a language that the student understands.